Mount Florida Dental
Glasgow Dentist Southside
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Mount Florida Dental 4 McLennan Street Mount Florida Glasgow Scotland G42 9DQ 0141 632 1634

Meet Annette, the Hygienist

    Hygienist Treatments

  • Complete periodontal examination and charting
  • Scaling and polishing
  • Deep scalings carried out under Local anaesthetic
  • Air scale polishing - removal of tenacious staining
  • Implant and Orthodontic brace maintenance
  • Application of antimicrobials
  • Topical treatments and fissure sealants.
  • Tooth Whitening

glasgow hygienistWe're not just about your teeth and smiles here at Mount Florida Dental, your gums and surrounding bones are just as important. Without them up to the job, it doesn't matter how nice we keep your teeth! Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss for adults in the UK, but with regular care and attention is completely avoidable.

 Annette, our Hygienist has nearly 30 year of experience and regular visits to her will help ensure that your teeth and gums are kept clean, healthy and disease free.

As well as keeping the teeth and gums healthy, Annette will also ensure you are using the best oral hygiene routines by providing you with personalised advice recommending the best techniques and products such as interdental brushes to keep your teeth clean and healthy between practice visits.

Pesky, unslightly tooth staining?

Smoking, tea, coffee, curry and red wine are just some of the things that can cause this. Air Scale Polishing is an ideal treatment for this. It applies a jet of air, water and sodium bicarbonate at the surface of your teeth, removing stains and restoring your beautiful teeth to their natural brightness and shine. Included with a private and Denplan scalings

Stain removal teeth

Want even whiter teeth?

 Annette is also a member of the British Dental Bleaching Society and is qualified to provide tooth whitening, including the fantastic enlighten system, which guarantees a B1 shade or lighter!after tooth whitening


before tooth whitening


gum disease

What is gingivitis?
Gingivitis means inflammation of the gums. This is when the gums around the teeth become very red and swollen. Often the swollen gums bleed when they are brushed during cleaning.

What is periodontal disease?periodontal disease
Untreated gingivitis can advance to periodontitis. With time, plaque can spread and grow below the gum line. Toxins produced by the bacteria in plaque irritate the gums. These toxins stimulate a chronic inflammatory response in which the body in essence turns on itself, and the tissues and bone that support the teeth are broken down and destroyed. Gums separate from the teeth, forming pockets (spaces between the teeth and gums) that become infected. As the disease progresses, the pockets deepen and more gum tissue and bone are destroyed. Often, this destructive process has very mild symptoms. Eventually, teeth can become loose and may have to be removed.

Am I likely to suffer from gum disease?
Probably. Most people suffer from some form of gum disease, and it is the major cause of tooth loss in adults. However, the disease develops very slowly in most people and usually painlessly. It can be slowed down to a rate that should allow you to keep most of your teeth for life.

What is the cause of gum disease?
All gum disease is caused by plaque. Plaque is a film of bacteria which forms on the surface of the teeth and gums every day. Many of the bacteria in plaque are completely harmless, but there are some that have been shown to be the main cause of gum disease. To prevent and treat gum disease, you need to make sure you remove all the plaque from your teeth every day. This is done by brushing and flossing at home.

How will smoking affect my gums and teeth?
Yes smoking is a severe risk factor in periodontal disease. It can also mask the signs of disease such as bleeding gums.
What happens if gum disease is not treated? Unfortunately, gum disease progresses painlessly on the whole so that you do notice the damage it is doing. However, the bacteria are sometimes more active and this makes your gums sore. This can lead to gum abscesses, and pus may ooze from around the teeth. Over a number of years, the bone supporting the teeth can be lost. If the disease is left untreated for a long time, treatment can become more difficult or not possible at all.

How do I know if I have gum disease?
The first sign is blood on the toothbrush or in the rinsing water when you clean your teeth. Your gums may also bleed when you are eating, leaving a bad taste in your mouth. Your breath may also become unpleasant

How does my dentist know if I have gum disease?
The dentist can measure the ‘cuff’ of gum around each tooth to see if there is any sign that periodontal disease has started. X-rays may also be needed to see the amount of bone that has been lost. This assessment is very important, so the correct treatment can be prescribed for you.

What treatments are needed?dentomycin
 Your teeth will be cleaned (scaled) thoroughly to remove calculus. You’ll also be shown how to remove plaque successfully yourself, cleaning all surfaces of your teeth thoroughly and effectively. Further treatment may be required involving the cleaning of the roots of the teeth, to make sure that the last pockets of bacteria are removed. This is known as root planing. This may take a number of sessions with the hygiene therapist

Can anything else be done?
Yes, in some cases the application of Dentomycin, an antimicrobial gel, can be placed directly into the gum pocket to help combat the disease (from £40)

Once I have had periodontal disease, can I get it again?
 Periodontal diseases are never cured and the bone will generally not grow back but it can be controlled, as long as you keep up the home care. Any further loss of bone will be very slow and it may stop altogether. However, you must make sure you remove plaque every day, and go for regular check ups by the dentist and scaling by the hygienist.


Glasgow Southside